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삼항연산자(조건부연산자, ?)Language/JavaScript 2022. 9. 22. 18:44
조건부 연산자(?, 삼항연산자) -출처 : https://ko.javascript.info/ifelse '물음표(question mark) 연산자’라고도 불리는 '조건부(conditional) 연산자’를 사용하면 if문을 짧고 간결하게 변형할 수 있습니다. 조건부 연산자는 물음표 '?' 로 표시합니다. 피연산자가 세 개이기 때문에 조건부 연산자를 '삼항(ternary) 연산자’라고 부르는 사람도 있습니다. 참고로, 자바스크립트에서 피연산자를 3개나 받는 연산자는 조건부 연산자가 유일합니다. let result = condition ? value1 : value2; // 평가 대상인 condition이 truthy라면 value1이, 그렇지 않으면 value2가 반환됩니다. 또한, if문을 중첩할 수 있듯..
Value Types and Reference TypesLanguage/JavaScript 2022. 9. 22. 18:02
(EP 03.) 자바스크립트 개발자라면 알아야하는 핵심 컨셉 33개 | #3. Value Types and Reference Types * 간단요약 1. Value Types : string, number, boolean, NaN, undefined, null let a = 50; let b = a; a = 10; console.log(b); //50 value 데이터 타입을 새로운 변수에 할당(=)하는 경우 변수에 복사된 새로운 value는 기존 value를 참조하지 않는다. - Reference Types : array, object, function const sexy = ['kimchi', 'potato']; const pretty = sexy; sexy.push('hello'); console...
문자열을 배열로 변환, 배열을 문자열로 변환, Spread OperatorLanguage/JavaScript 2022. 9. 22. 16:30
1. 문자열을 배열로 변환 -출처 : https://codechacha.com/ko/javascript-convert-string-to-array/ // 예제 // 변수 myString에 담긴 문자열 'JavaScript'를 배열로 반환하라. const myString = 'JavaScript' /* 단어(str 인자)가 주어졌을 때 함수의 리턴값은 주어진 단어를 구성하는 모든 문자를 담고 있는 배열입니다. 만약 빈 문자열이 주어졌다면, 빈 배열을 반환해야 합니다. 결과값 : let output = getAllLetters(myString); console.log(output); --> ['J', 'a', 'v', 'a', 'S', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', 't'] */ 1.1 string.c..
단축 평가 값(short circuit evaluation)Language/JavaScript 2022. 9. 5. 13:38
출처 : http://milooy.github.io/TIL/JavaScript/short-circuit.html#%E1%84%8B%E1%85%A8%E1%84%8C%E1%85%A6 단축 평가 값 (Short-circuit Evaluation) | Today Yurim Learned 단축 평가 값 (Short-circuit Evaluation) 논리 연산자들은 왼쪽->오른쪽 순으로 실행됨. 이 연산자들은 결과를 얻게 되는 순간 단축 평가(즉, 평가의 중단)를 시행. false && 표현식 -> 이미 false발견 true || milooy.github.io 논리 연산자들은 왼쪽->오른쪽 순으로 실행됨. 이 연산자들은 결과를 얻게 되는 순간 단축 평가(즉, 평가의 중단)를 시행. false && 표현식 -> ..
[JavaScript_codecademy] VARIABLESLanguage/JavaScript 2022. 9. 1. 19:09
Review Nice work! This lesson introduced you to variables, a powerful concept you will use in all your future programming endeavors. Let’s review what we learned: Variables hold reusable data in a program and associate it with a name. Variables are stored in memory. The var keyword is used in pre-ES6 versions of JS. let is the preferred way to declare a variable when it can be reassigned, and co..
[JavaScript_codecademy] INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPTLanguage/JavaScript 2022. 9. 1. 17:43
Review Let’s take one more glance at the concepts we just learned: Data is printed, or logged, to the console, a panel that displays messages, with console.log(). We can write single-line comments with // and multi-line comments between /* and */. There are 7 fundamental data types in JavaScript: strings, numbers, booleans, null, undefined, symbol, and object. Numbers are any number without quot..
[HTML_codecademy] Semantic HTMLLanguage/HTML&CSS 2022. 8. 11. 18:19
Navigational Links Home Posts Contact Facts About Dogs Dogs have a sense of time. It's been proven that they know the difference between a hour and five. If conditioned to, they can predict future events, such as regular walk times. A study was conducted on dogs being away from their owners for varying hours and the studies show that dogs who were away from their owners the longest showed the gr..
[HTML_codecademy] FormsLanguage/HTML&CSS 2022. 8. 11. 18:18
Take this course and learn about the inner workings of an HTML form! Learn how to create your own form and integrate HTML5 validations. 1. HTML Forms Create a burger! What type of protein would you like? How many patties would you like? How do you want your patty cooked Rare Well-Done What toppings would you like? Lettuce Tomato Onion Would you like to add cheese? Yes No What type of bun would y..
[HTML_codecademy] TablesLanguage/HTML&CSS 2022. 8. 11. 18:16
Learn all the syntax you need to create tables in your HTML documents. Action List Profiles Settings Search the table Company Name Number of Items to Ship Next Action Adam's Greenworks 14 Package Items Davie's Burgers 2 Send Invoice Baker's Bike Shop 3 Send Invoice Miss Sally's Southern 4 Ship Summit Resort Rentals 4 Ship Strike Fitness 1 Enter Order Total 28 Review Great job! In this lesson, we..